Thursday, September 11, 2014

9/11 And What It Means To Me

For the last fifteen years, I've flown the friendly skies as a flight attendant.  For fifteen years, I've popped your coke can, served your four course meal, trained every year to get you out of a plane in the event of an emergency in ninety seconds or less.  I've qualified new planes for you to fly in luxurious comfort.  I've administered first aid in times of illness for your loved ones, just as your bad day became worse, I stepped in to make it better with a smile and a hug. I made sure your Grandmother made it to her hired car safely.  I've kissed the tears and laughter of your baby and hugged you when you traveled to bury or scatter the ashes of your loved ones.

Eagle Rock, West Orange, New Jersey Flight Crew Memorial

Me and Todd after 787 FAA qualification

On 9/11/2001, two years into my career into aviation, on the edge of my bed from my bedroom window and television.  I watched the second of two planes crash into the buildings I traveled through since circa 1990, go down.  Three days later I was back on the plane, popping the lid of your coke can and vowing to my thirty year veteran police force Dad, "If it pops off, trust... I'm not going to be the only one hurt..."

Today, although not flying because I'm recuperating from battling Cancer, I maintain the same stance.  I will pop the lid off your coke can.  I will love and kiss your baby and make sure your grandmother is comforted and if you give me the chance, I will make you laugh.  I'm not professing to be superWoman or man, I serve the ONE that surpasses them all.

Part of 787 Qualifying team!
May you rest in Paradise my brethren lost in the 9/11 battle.  May your families, friends and loved ones gain and remain, in God's perfect peace.

Eagle Rock, West Orange Memorial

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