The Journey of Help My Best Friend Just Got Married, Can We Still Be Friends?
Especially after reading Nothing Special…Just Friends?, the cousin of Help!... readers
consistently approach me with questions like, when is the next book coming out? I’ve decided to answer the question—before it
is asked—why did it take you so long?
Don’t get me wrong, in the immortal words of Cousin Malcolm
(Jumping The Broom) I write ‘ere day
but there has been a considerable amount of time between published novels from
me. I admit that I too have been
disappointed with my timing. While I
offer no excuses, I do say what may take you a day to read rarely takes a day
to write. Add the facts that every part
of the process is reliant upon the artist, thus the independent label, factor
in other life roles, wife, auntie, sister, friend among others and a full time
sky girl to pop your coke.
I know you get it, we’re all busy and I am grateful that you
choose to spend your leisure time and dollars with me. However to answer your question, the average
reader reads about 90,000 words in three to seven days. The avid reader reads that same word count
anywhere from eight to 20 consecutive hours and five for the power reader—my mother. You’ve got to know that the process of
writing takes much longer. I’ve been
told by some authors, that writing every day for an average of five hours a day
garners a 90,000 word count in anywhere from a month to six weeks for a first
draft. A complete first draft takes me
sixty to ninety days. Second, third,
fourth and fifth drafts can take an additional 90 days. Because I produce my own work, the writing is
done, but the process just begins. After
writing, the work goes to editing, back to writer (me) for corrections and
enhancements, either back to editor or to production. It is then the publisher (me) is working on
distribution, cover, legalities, publicity and bumps in the road. Many times, the publisher (me) and the artist
(me) are at war about content, count and a number of creative differences that
have to be crunched into numbers. So yes,
I do a lot of talking to myself, arguing with myself and reaching a compromise
with myself in order to get the work to the public (you).
So the next time you ask, why did it take so long, recall
the quick and dirty and cut me some slack.
I promise it is worth the wait….. Help My Best Friend Just Got Married, Can We Still Be Friends?
9 and counting…..
From The Bottom Up,
9 days and counting!! I can't wait. As your friend truly happy for you, and as a avid reader can't wait to dig in!! I so need a GOOD book right now.